Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekly News

Today I sent home notices about parent-teacher conferences.  If the date and time on the notice is not going to work, please let me know.  In addition to conferences, the Book Fair will be in the library from September 29-October 2nd. 

For the next two weeks, we will be learning about apples.  This is always a fun and exciting unit for children!  On Monday, September 29, we will make applesauce!  Each child will contribute by peeling their own apple (using a Pampered Chef apple peeler-corer).  I look forward to making applesauce with the children every year!  We will also conduct several science experiments using apples. 

As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.
Mrs. Pickett


  1. Sounds like fun! Would you like apple donations? What kind? Let us know how we can help! Emily prisco

    1. We will have plenty if apples. My mom has several apple trees full of beautiful apples. We will have fresh apples for our recipe. Thank you for offering.
